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This is our new prototype 2 Pole motor!

Let me repeat again this is a prototype test motor. These motors are crazy fast so good luck being able to lay the power down!

These new motors have a longer stator and rotor shaft. They have a heavy duty end-bell, bearings, and center shaft!

It has a 5mm shaft

All of these combine to make a extremely high torque and speed!

R1WURKS V16 2 Pole 2.0t BFG

SKU: 020166
Regular price $130.00
Unit price

This is our new prototype 2 Pole motor!

Let me repeat again this is a prototype test motor. These motors are crazy fast so good luck being able to lay the power down!

These new motors have a longer stator and rotor shaft. They have a heavy duty end-bell, bearings, and center shaft!

It has a 5mm shaft

All of these combine to make a extremely high torque and speed!

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