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New for the DC1 are these rear shock extenders. To install these just remove the M3 nut from the rear outside hinge pin and replace it with the ball that is given, then mount the shock directly to the ball. This set will be enough for one pair of rear shocks. This will work both for V1 and V2 Shocks.

R1WURKS DC1 Rear Shock Extension

SKU: 990900
Regular price $10.00
Unit price
R1WURKS DC1 Rear Shock Extension
R1WURKS DC1 Rear Shock Extension
Regular price $10.00

New for the DC1 are these rear shock extenders. To install these just remove the M3 nut from the rear outside hinge pin and replace it with the ball that is given, then mount the shock directly to the ball. This set will be enough for one pair of rear shocks. This will work both for V1 and V2 Shocks.

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